Former CEO of Waste Hauler Gets 66 Months for Fraud and Bribery

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The former CEO of Rizzo Environmental Services (RES) pleaded guilty to fraud and bribery back in November 2017. The former CEO was caught paying bribes to local officials to get trash contracts in the Clinton and Macomb Townships. Several other more serious charges were dismissed in a plea deal for his cooperation.

Late last month Rizzo was sentenced to 66 months in prison for his involvement in the wide spread corruption scheme and for the embezzlement of hundreds of thousands of dollars from RES.

Read the full story here for more detail.

Prevent This From Happening to YOU!

Fraud and bribery are not other people’s problems. It is important for companies to identify, manage and prevent inappropriate behavior.
To help protect your business here are some helpful suggestions:

  • Establish clear whistleblowing policies and channels that encourage employees to report misconduct.
  • Provide in-person anti-corruption training for essential personnel.
  • Employ due diligence in monitoring third party agents.
  • Routinely evaluate invoices, keeping an eye out for inflated pricing or unnecessary services.

Make Sure Your Clients Take a Proactive Approach To Protecting Their Business Should a Loss Occur

Make sure your clients have crime insurance. Take the steps to ensure that your clients are covered by calling one of the Berkley Crime team members listed below.

National Practice Leader
Sean Missal
(860) 466-7377
[email protected]
Mid-West Regional Manager
Michael Beranek
(501) 707-6548
[email protected]
East Regional Manager
Matt McNamara 
(212) 497-3707
[email protected]
Amanda VanCauwenberge 
(312) 730-1101
Patricia Logan 
(212) 497-3708
[email protected]
Thomas Trieloff
(312) 705-1132
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Cheryl Yorio 
(860) 466-7379
[email protected]
Everton Barrington, FLMI
(860) 466-7376
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Alexander Doerflein 
(212) 497-3724
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West Regional Manager
Jennifer Maggi 
(213) 417-5467
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Adam Pardi
(212) 497-3704

Catherine Vilandre

(860) 466-7375

[email protected] 

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