Cheating on Your Expense Report?

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But it’s only a few dollars, right?

Think about the consequences after you read this article from the San Diego Union Tribune. The million dollar fraud landed the executive assistant in prison for 21 months and having to repay the loss to her former employer.

“…the judge said Coulman had committed a very serious crime that stemmed from dishonesty and a breach of trust and resulted in the loss of a significant amount of money…”

She was caught after six years of using her corporate credit card for lavish vacations, designer clothes and the latest electronics that she hid on expense reports which she approved herself using her boss’s email account. When emails questioning the expenditures came to her boss, she intercepted them and responded back. 

Don’t Wait for a Loss to Occur, Make Sure Your Clients Are Covered

The right fraud coverage could save your clients a bundle

Make sure you are recommending the right coverage for your client’s needs. We are experts in crime-related insurance and can help you create the right insurance solution to help cover losses from events such as expense report fraud and other schemes. Contact any of us listed below, we are ready to help!



Contact Berkley Crime

National Practice Leader and East Regional Manager
Sean Missal (860) 466-7377
[email protected]

Patricia Logan (212) 497-3708
[email protected]

Matt McNamara (212) 497-3707
[email protected]


Mid-West Regional Manager
Michael Beranek (501) 707-6548
[email protected]

Amanda VanCauwenberge
(312) 730-1101
[email protected]

Kyna Love (312) 705-1132
[email protected]


West Regional Manager
Jennifer Maggi (925) 472-8217
[email protected]

Steve Nguyen (925) 472-8233
[email protected]


P: 844.44.CRIME
[email protected]

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